"This is the best use of my time to remain current with what is going on in the industry."
The eClinical Forum is a global network of peers. It provides a non‐competitive environment for innovation, learning and collaboration in clinical research.
eCF Technology Showcase: Viedoc Technologies AB – “The integrated eTMF/eISF to control study documentation management”
This is an eClinical Forum Technology Showcase. Our Technology Showcase sessions have been requested by eCF members to provide a demonstration of products or services. Viedoc Technologies, an eClinical Forum member company, will showcase their e-Trial Master File/e-Inestigator Site File solution. The eClinical Forum does not promote nor endorse any particular technology vendors.
eCF APAC Workshop -- All's well that ends well
eClinical Forum's two-day APAC Workshop was held in Kobe on 13 & 14-Nov-2023. The workshop was such a great success, thanks to generous and attentive hosting by Eli Lilly and thanks to all the participants from sponsors, investigator sites and system integrators who made contributions through thought-provoking presentations, intelligent comments/questions and friendly discussions. Thank you all and see you at next year's workshop!
eCF “Think GCP” Webinar: ICH E6(R3) for eCF Members
Presenter: Rebecca Stanbrook, GCP Strategic Lead, Process & Risk Surveillance, Novartis, EFPIA Topic Lead ICH E6(R3)
About this topic: The final piece of the GCP renovation puzzle, revision 3 of ICH GCP. Understand the background to the renovation, key changes and the philosophy of the changes in this one hour webinar.
eCF Technology Showcase: The Impact of AI Driven Automation and Data Transformation - A Guided User Experience for Automated Mapping
eClinical Solutions, and eCF member company will present an approach to AI that aims to bridge that gap – a guided user experience for automated mapping.
The eClinical Forum is happy to showcase their members, however does not promote nor endorse any particular technology solution.