"This is the best use of my time to remain current with what is going on in the industry."
The eClinical Forum is a global network of peers. It provides a non‐competitive environment for innovation, learning and collaboration in clinical research.
eCF Technology Showcase: Veeva Systems “End-to-End Clinical Data: Connecting Patients, Sites, and Sponsors”
This is an eClinical Forum Technology Showcase. Our Technology Showcase sessions have been requested by eCF members to provide a demonstration of products or services. Veeva Systems, an eClinical Forum member company, will showcase their end-to-end solution for patients, sites, and sponsors. The eClinical Forum does not promote nor endorse any particular technology vendors.
Best Practice Recommendations for Electronic Clinical Outcome Assessment Data Changes
Congratulations to the joint C-Path/eCF :eCOA Best Practices" Team for publishing their paper “Best Practice Recommendations for Electronic Clinical Outcome Assessment Data Changes”
in the peer-reviewed SCDM Journal “Digital First”.
eCF Free Public Webinar: Regulatory Requirements for Electronic Data/Systems for Clinical Trials, and associated site system assessments
The eClinical Forum is pleased to offer a free public webinar – to provide information on our 3 free tools: The “eCF Requirements” (Requirements for electronic data for regulated clinical trials), eSRA (Site eSource-Readiness Assessment), and ISF (Investigator Site File System) Assessment. 18-Sept-24: Registration Required.
EU Hybrid Workshop Announced
Registration is open! Our EU Hybrid Workshop will be kindly hosted by Boehringer Ingelheim at their offices in Ingelheim am Rhein, Germany on October 15-17 2024.
eCF Americas Autumn Workshop 2024 Announced
Registration is open! Our Americas Autumn workshop will be kindly hosted by eClinical Solutions at their offices in Mansfield, Massachussetts (near Boston/Patriots Stadium) on October 22-24 2024.